Monday 8 December 2008

The Pitch

Ideas for Film
As I am choosing thriller as the genre for my fiction film, I had to consider the codes and conventions of a thriller film when coming up with ideas. To begin with I thought of a setting in which would suit the genre and mood and ideas began to flow as to how I could use my surroundings to create my film and successfully incorporate all the right elements for a thriller film.

Mind Map - Ideas

Idea 1 - Drama Thriller
Girl is out having a drink with friends
Girl becomes tired and suggests she wants to go home Begins to walk home by herself Man walks towards her - he watches her closely Man grabs girl - kidnaps her and locks her in house Girl trapped in house Man continually returns to house to check on girl Girl runs downstairs to try to escape - fails Man walks out of house leaving girl unattended Girl struggles and finally manages to escape.

Idea 2 - Gangster themed thriller
A transition is about to be carried out by two thugs - they have not planned successfully for the terrible events that occur later. The two thugs meet up in a secluded area and converse with each other. They are met by an unknown car which drives towards them stopping suddenly before a collision with the men. The two men recognise the third gentlemen and are given a briefcase of what they think is money as the third man drives away they soon open it an find it full of fingers and are left stunned...

Idea 3 - Drama Thriller
A voiceover of a young female begins while distorted images of a car crash is shown. The voiceover sets the story and gives an eerie, meloncholoy mood to the film. The girl gives details to her being the only survivor of her families car crash. Flash backs of a happy girl growing up are soon over as the screen fades to black to present time of an empty cemetry and dream like qualities.

As I am working by myself for my fiction film I decided to only include a maximum of two characters as a easy number to manage and still be able to carry out my ideas. I decided to include female characters in my ideas as they are percieved as more weak or vulnerable and I thought this was a good quality to include in a thriller film.

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